What Makes a Top-Rated Treatment Center?

Characteristics of a Top-Rated Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center
Every addiction center is different, and what makes a center ideally suited for treating one individual may make them a very poor fit for another. This is because every center has different treatment programs and specialties, just like every addict has a different set of addictions and circumstances. However, there are more than 14,500 licensed drug and alcohol rehabs in the U.S., meaning there is a top-rated treatment center that will be the perfect fit to meet your needs.
Because you need to find a rehab that meets your specific needs, it is imperative that you discuss available treatment options with a dedicated treatment specialist who can help you select the best fit for you. However, it is equally important that you educate yourself on what makes a top-rated treatment center so that you can ask the right questions and be able to properly analyze potential options. Contact a treatment representative now to begin the conversation.
Here are some characteristics of top-rated treatment centers.
The Correct Specialties
Every treatment center specializes in the treatment of certain addictions, and some specialize in many. Even those treatment centers with multiple specialties often have more success treating some than others. For the greatest likelihood of success, it is important to choose a rehab that is highly rated for the treatment of your addiction. This is especially true for those addictions that require extensive detox procedures.
High Success Rate
Success rate is perhaps the best indicator of a top-rated drug and alcohol rehab. In general, the higher the success rate, the higher a treatment center’s rating. However, there are two very important caveats. The first is that it is very important to have the treatment center define exactly what they consider success. Is it percentage of clients who complete the program? Percentage who maintain sobriety for six months? A year? The second is that what constitutes a high success rate is determined by the specialty. For example, an excellent treatment center that focuses on helping veterans with PTSD who suffer from opioid addiction will probably have a lower success rate than a facility that specializes in treating moderate alcoholism.
A Focus on Underlying Issues
For most who suffer from addiction, the addiction is the result of other underlying issues, especially mental health issues. If underlying issues are not addressed during treatment, they will continue to be a problem in recovery. Recovering addicts with untreated underlying issues are much more likely to relapse, as the reason behind their addiction is still causing them problems. Top-rated facilities make sure to put a major focus on treating dual-diagnosis conditions to ensure success.
Comprehensive, 1-on-1 Therapies Offered
There are many types of therapy, and different types will be more effective for certain individuals. For many, it is best to go through several types of therapy, in order to address different issues from different angles. For these reasons, top-rated rehabs will offer comprehensive therapy options. Most rehabs offer group therapy sessions, which are incredibly valuable. However, it is also critical to get 1-on-1 time with a therapist as well. This not only allows for individual treatment, it also lets many patients express feelings and memories that they would be uncomfortable doing in a group setting.
Examples of types of therapies include:
- Biofeedback therapy
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Dialectical behavioral therapy
- Experiential therapy
- Faith-based therapy
- Holistic therapy
- Motivational enhancement therapy
Family Focus
Just like addiction itself, rehab impacts far more than just the addict; it impacts entire families. Families are a critical part of the process, as they are who help the recovering addict maintain their sobriety on a daily basis. Also, the primary motivation for many addicts to attend treatment is to stop the harm that they are causing the ones that they love most. For all of these reasons, top-rated treatment centers include families as a part of their program. Family visits are important in many programs, although some prefer the addict to remain secluded for the duration of their treatment. At the least, the program should offer extensive educational and support resources for loved ones.
Dedicated and Accredited Staff
The staff of a treatment facility are the people who you will be interacting with the most during treatment. They will be the ones guiding you on the first part of your sobriety journey. One of the major reasons that top-rated rehabs are so successful is that they have the best staffs. One of the best ways to determine the quality of a staff is to ask about their accreditation. For example, are all staff members registered nurses? How many physicians are on staff, and what roles do they play in treatment? It is true that just because someone is properly accredited, it does not guarantee their quality, but it is an excellent indicator.
Expert Leadership
It takes a top-notch leadership team to steer a top-rated treatment center. It is critical that the people in charge of a rehab facility know the ins and outs of addiction and recovery, and that they base all of the facility’s programs and decisions on scientific study and medical evidence. This not only increases the likelihood that patients will attain and maintain sobriety, but also that they are safe while going through such dangerous times as detox. Some treatment experts recommend that prospective treatment seekers only attend facilities who are led by someone with a doctorate, or at least a master’s degree.
Strong On-Going Support Options
Recovery doesn’t end when the patient exits rehab. Sobriety is a lifelong journey for most recovering alcoholics and addicts, a journey that is difficult, if not impossible, to take alone. Most of those in recovery find that it is much easier to stay sober if they have extensive, on-going support. Top-rated treatment centers recognize this and make sure to provide it. The exact support options available will vary tremendously between facilities, but some of the most common examples include 12-step programs, ongoing counseling and therapy, the provision of ongoing information, and post-treatment programs.
Vocational Support
Many drug and alcohol rehabilitation experts believe that one of the single greatest factors in the maintenance of sobriety is the recovering addict’s career situation. Those who have jobs that they must go to on a routine basis are much likelier to maintain their sobriety than those who do not. Jobs not only provide a sense of purpose and a reason to avoid substance abuse, but they also prevent boredom and reduce downtime. Also, jobs provide a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Top-rated treatment centers provide current and former patients with vocational support. This includes job training, help finding and acquiring a job, and help keeping and advancing in a job.
Exercise and Nutrition
Two of the most important factors in recovery are exercise and nutrition. During an active addiction, most addicts severely neglect their health, especially exercise and nutrition. Beginning these processes again helps to undo some of the damage that addiction has caused. More importantly, they help the addict feel better naturally, without the need for damaging substances. Moving forward, exercise and proper nutrition help keep a recovering addict’s mind focused and their bodies feeling good, helping them stay sober. Top-rated treatment centers take all of this into account and heavily feature numerous exercise options and a healthy menu.
Evidence-Based Programs
There are thousands of different treatment methods available to treat addiction. Unfortunately, many of them are not based on scientific or medical evidence. These programs are much less likely to be successful; in many cases, they may actually make addiction harder to overcome. It is important to critically examine the treatment programs offered at a facility and to ask what they basis for them is. Evidence-based programs are generally those that have been developed according to the latest scientific and medical theories of addiction and treatment, often mixed with traditional methods such as yoga and acupuncture that have a well-documented history of success. Top-rated treatment centers are always monitoring the latest research and adjusting their programs based on new evidence, as well as their own successes.
Excellent Amenities
Something that truly separates top-rated treatment centers from the rest is the available amenities. The range of amenities offered at drug and alcohol rehabs is incredibly broad, and may include everything from fully-functional cattle ranches to breathtaking skyline views of major cities. Amenities often aid in the treatment process and make the patient more comfortable and relaxed during their stay. The amenities desired will depend on the individual treatment seeker and the addiction. While cost is a factor in the amenities provided, even low-cost facilities can offer first-class amenities, albeit generally fewer of them.
Hospital Facilities
Not all drug and alcohol rehabs offer hospital facilities, and they are not necessary in many cases. This is especially true for rehabs that focus on addictions that do not require medically-supervised detox. However, a world-class hospital facility, either on site or run by a partner, is a sign of a top-rated treatment center. Hospital facilities are critical for the treatment of addictions with potentially dangerous withdrawals, such as alcohol and opioids. Even for other addictions, hospital facilities are desirable to maximize health and safety.
What to Avoid
There are some things that top-rated drug and alcohol treatment centers generally do not do or have. While none of these things taken alone necessarily mean that a rehab facility isn’t top-notch, they are reason to be cautious and investigate further.
- Promising a cure – While addiction is treatable and manageable, there is no cure
- Making a guarantee of success – It is impossible to guarantee success, only to maximize the chances.
- Offering rapid detox – Rapid detox is very dangerous, and there is some evidence that it is less effective.
- Not answering questions – Top-rated rehabs have no problems answering any and all questions you have about their facility.
Find a Top-Rated Treatment Center Now
You know how terrible addiction and alcoholism can be. If you or a loved one are struggling to find sobriety, you can’t afford to wait another minute. Dedicated treatment experts are waiting on the line right now to help place you or your loved one in a top-rated treatment center. Contact us now for more information.
Huffington Post. (2017). Top 10 Attributes of an Excellent Drug Rehab. Retrieved on December 8, 2017 at https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/top-10-attributes-of-an-excellent-drug-rehab_us_58cb1380e4b0537abd956f3f