90-day Addiction Rehab Program

Among 30, 60 and 90-day addiction rehab options, the longest of these programmes is the best choice for the hard-core addict whose life is completely controlled by drugs or alcohol. Where 30-day programmes may be effective for individuals with a shorter history of drug or alcohol abuse, 90-day programmes give the addict three months of comprehensive therapy designed to enable him or her to fully break the addiction cycle.
Addiction experts agree that hard-core addicts need a longer stay because they need more help learning to overcome. That makes complete sense. In the same way, someone with a broken bone needs a longer time to heal than someone with a bruise, the hard-core action needs more time to get well than the short-term abuser.
There are many things to think about when choosing a 90-day addiction rehab program. You'll want to consider your specific addiction, the severity of your addiction, the type of treatment program, your preferred treatment location, the price of the rehab, and your insurance coverage. Rehab programs that last for 3 months can provide you with a solid foundation for recovery.
90-day facilities will often offer unique treatment programs such as:
- Medical detox
- Behavioral therapies (CBT, DBT, etc)
- Biophysical treatment
- Holistic treatment
- Traditional care
- Relapse prevention
Aftercare services or outpatient rehab options are also common with 90-day rehab programs.
Is A 90-Day Rehab Center Right For Me?
90-day rehab programs may seem like too big of a commitment for some individuals. The idea of leaving home, family, a job, or other major aspects of an individual’s life may seem like a big sacrifice for both the affected party and his/her loved ones. That being said, there are situations that require longer-term treatment like that offered through these types of facilities. These can include:
- Any severe drug addiction. This can include crack cocaine, cocaine, heroi, methamphetamine, alcohol, prescription opioid abuse, benzodiazepine, and other prescription drug addiction.
- Anyone who has been using drugs for an extended amount of time. Some experts suggest that someone who has been struggling with a substance abuse problem for more than 6 months to a year who cannot stop using, despite attempts, is a good candidate for a 90-day rehab.
- An individual who has tried shorter-term programs and failed. For anyone who has experienced this first-hand, failing at rehab can be a difficult and frustrating process. However, the problem could be as simple as the fact that the treatment just was not long enough to produce the desired result or that it was not the right type of program to fit basic needs.
- Someone who has had major problems due to their abuse issues. This could be things like getting arrested, committing crimes because of addiction, suffering from an overdose, or other medical problem because of drug use.
- Anyone who is looking to make a significant lifestyle change when it comes to their relationship with drugs or alcohol. 90-day treatment programs are not limited only to those with a life-threatening or severe addiction. It is not uncommon for individuals struggling with any type or severity of drug addiction to participate in a longer program to truly turn their lives in another direction.
Detox in a 90-Day Programme.
If you or someone you love is enrolled in a 90-day rehab programme, detox will undoubtedly be part of the equation. It is not possible for hard-core addicts to fully overcome without it. However, it is important to understand that detox should only be undertaken in the controlled environment of a residential rehab center.
A clinic offering 90-day treatment is one staffed by medical professionals with plenty of experience dealing in alcohol and drug addiction. They are the best ones to offer medically supervised detox in a way that minimizes the risks of serious accidents or fatalities. And make no mistake about it; detox is a medical emergency that can have serious consequences.
Detox at a residential facility can be either medicated or non-medicated. There is a difference between the two:
- Medicated – Medicated rehab involves the use of drugs to help control withdrawal symptoms and, in some cases, take the edge off. Using methadone to help with heroin detox is but one example. Keep in mind the medications are not intended to be an addiction substitute; they are a temporary aid.
- Non-Medicated – If medical staff determine medication is not necessary to ensure safety, it likely will not be used. This type of detox is also known as ‘cold turkey’. Although going cold turkey may be a bit more uncomfortable, it also allows for a quicker recovery.
Withdrawal symptoms for most people begin to peak on the second or third day of detox. After that, they gradually subside over the course of 4 to 10 days. Most people can complete the detox process in about a week.
Who Is A Good Candidate For A Medical Detox?
A supervised medical detox is often the first step in treatment for individuals suffering from an addiction to benzodiazepines, alcohol, and opioids.
A medical detox is intended to allow for the safe and comfortable (as comfortable as possible, at least) the detox of individuals suffering from addiction to drugs with life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. For some drugs, like alcohol, the withdrawal symptoms can be so severe that it is unsafe to just stop taking the drug cold turkey. Seizures are a common severe withdrawal symptom of alcoholism and can result in death if not handled appropriately by a medical professional.
During a medical detox, clients will have 24-hour clinical supervision and their vitals will be monitored during every phase of the detox. In some cases, additional medications may be used to help facilitate the safe and comfortable detox from a drug.
Medical detox programs focus almost entirely on the withdrawal and detox process and do not treat the mental and emotional factors of addiction. A medical detox should be followed by an inpatient residential rehab program where the client will have access to therapists and counselors who can help them establish a foundation for their recovery.
Rehab Therapies and a 90-Day Programme.
The interesting thing about 90-day rehab programmes is that the amount of time spent on detox is identical to shorter programmes. That means the rest of the time is devoted to rehabilitative therapies involving different types of counseling and activities. So why do these rehabilitative therapies take longer with some people?
The answer to that question lies in the difference between physical and psychological addictions. A physical addiction is simply a reaction of the human body to the drugs or alcohol ingested. As we said earlier, the physical addiction can be broken in a week or two. The mental and psychological addictions are a different story. They can be more difficult to uncover and, depending on the attitude of the recovering addict, certainly more difficult to conquer.
Rehab therapies include things like group support, 12-step work, cognitive behavioral therapy, team-building exercises and so on. At the heart of all of these therapies is the willingness and enthusiasm of the individual addict. The right attitude goes a long way toward conquering addictive behavior.
What Are The Benefits Of Inpatient Treatment?
Studies from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) have shown that while shorter programs (30-60 days in length or less) can be effective for some; they were not long enough to truly resolve substance abuse problems for long-term, severe, or heavily addicted users. Relapse is often a risk for individuals with severe or long-term addiction, and often additional or extended treatment is necessary to reduce this risk and work towards a permanent recovery.
In a researched-based guide by NIDA called Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment, it is reported that those struggling with substance abuse need 3 months or more in a rehab facility to achieve the best results.” Additionally, the guide states that spending this amount of time in treatment will “significantly reduce or stop their drug use.”
When it comes to addiction treatment, the goal for a client is to retrain their behavior and emotions when it comes to handling past trauma or drug addiction. This requires time, patience, and practice, which can all be accommodated by a 90-day program. With shorter programs, clients may not have enough time to utilize the coping skills and mechanisms they learned during inpatient rehab and successfully apply them in the real world.
What Types Of Therapies Are Provided With Inpatient Rehab?
Below are some of the treatment programs that can be found at inpatient drug and alcohol rehab centers across the country:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapies – Many inpatient programs will offer a variety of treatment modalities that balance both the emotional and behavioral aspects of addiction. Examples of these therapies include Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). While these types of therapies may not work for everyone, there are many approaches that can be tailored to a client specifically to better nurture the desired results.
- Holistic Therapies – For some individuals, therapies based around a completely natural or holistic approach are desired. Meditation, yoga, mindful practices, aromatherapy, and music therapy are all methods of holistic therapy that could be beneficial in drug rehabilitation.
- Family therapy – In some cases, family therapy may be a beneficial way to help provide support for a client. Family therapy will sometimes involve a client’s immediate family or loved ones to participate in some counseling sessions and giving their views on how the client’s addiction has affected their lives, and how they want to support the client moving forward.
- Group therapy – Group therapy is commonly used in many types of rehabilitation. When clients are participating in a conversation with a group of their peers, they are able to see that they are not alone in their struggle. This can help them feel less alienated during a time in their lives when they might feel very alone.
Is 90-Day Addiction Rehab Private and Confidential?
All treatment facilities are bound by a federal privacy law known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA ensures that all information regarding your treatment and even your presence in treatment must be kept private and confidential. Treatment center staff members are not allowed to release any information about any patient unless a consent form has been signed or in the event of an emergency.
Get Help For Your Loved One Today.
Does a 90-day rehab program sound like an option that could be a good fit for your loved one? Do you have more questions about programs like these? Our addiction treatment specialists are standing by day or night to take your call and answer any additional questions you may have regarding getting your loved one the treatment they need. Give us a call today and get your loved started down the path to recovery.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2012). Principles of drug addiction treatment: A research-based guide (3rd edition).
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2016). Your rights under HIPAA.