How Long Does Treatment Take?

Understanding The Length Of Rehab
If you’re facing an addiction, seeking treatment can be intimidating.
You may be wondering what your friends and family will think, how much it will cost and what the length of rehab will be.
There is no single formula for treatment because every form of addiction is unique.
"It’s important to recognize that how you recover from addiction will be different from anyone else’s treatment and recovery."
There are several treatment options to choose from based on your specific need. The general length of rehab programs are:
- 30-day program
- 60-day program
- 90-day program
- Extended programs, such as sober living facilities or halfway houses
When choosing a program, you should focus on what will bring you the highest chance of long-term success. Most addicted individuals need at least three months in treatment to get sober and initiate a plan for continued recovery.
Research shows that the best outcomes occur with longer durations of treatment. Lengthier treatment programs can seem intimidating at first, but they may end up bringing you the best results.
The Process Of Getting Treatment
The various treatment programs available mirror the degrees of addiction an individual can have. Try to begin the process of your treatment with realistic expectations.
In the life of your addiction, your body chemistry and the wiring in your brain has changed as you have become dependent on the substance. Therefore, the process of getting treatment and reaching long-lasting sobriety may take an extended period of time. The more patient you are with yourself and accepting of the treatment process, the more effective it will be.
There are benefits to each program type, and it’s important to take each one into consideration.
The Benefits of A 30-Day Program
A 30 day program is a great way to start treatment. You may not know how long you’ll need to stay in treatment, so this will provide you with insight into whether you should continue into a longer program or not.
This program offers you time to get through any physical withdrawal symptoms you may have and will allow you to begin establishing relapse prevention techniques.
"[I went to]Inpatient treatment for two weeks then I did out patient treatment for 30 days coupled with local AA meetings. My advice to anyone who wants to succeed is to take one day at a time. Don’t think ahead. Listen. Listen. Listen."
It will also be a time to define a course of treatment and aftercare going forward. A 30 day program is easier to commit to because it’s the shortest period of time recommended for rehab. Usually this also means it’s offered at a lower cost, so many insurance companies will typically cover this type of program.
The Benefits of a 60-Day Program
A 60 day program has the benefit of added time and support through treatment. In this program, you have the time to detox from the substance you’ve become dependent on and therapy sessions are provided to work through any familial, behavioral or situational circumstances that may have contributed to your addictive behavior.
A 60 day program will give you more time to fully detox from drugs or alcohol and also begin to actively practice positive and healthy habits to help you maintain sobriety. Though insurance may not cover the full 60 day program, many rehab facilities offer payment plans that allow you to make smaller monthly payments.
The Benefits of a 90-Day Program
A 90 day program may at first seem intimidating. But as mentioned before, the longer you seek treatment and have support, the higher chance you will have at maintaining sobriety while in recovery.
"These programs have shown to have the highest success rates of the three."
In this program you will go through intake and evaluation, detox, therapy, self-help groups and set up an aftercare plan. This program is great because it gives you more time to become adjusted to life without drugs or alcohol. You’ll be able to strengthen your skills in resisting any temptations in the future and clearly identify any potential triggers. This program is also recommended for those who have severe or long-term addictions.
Extended Care Options
Sometimes additional care is needed after a 90 day program, or you may want to enter into a more structured home environment while you stabilize your long-term sobriety.
There are additional programs available in which you can immerse yourself in a sober living environment. A sober living house is an affordable, drug and alcohol free environment where you can find support in the peers around you to work through your own recovery plan.
This is an additional step available if you aren’t quite ready to go back out into the world yet and need that extra support and structure to learn to be successful with the skills you’ve gained through the program.
Getting Help For Your Addiction
You are unique, and so is your life experience. So when you wonder, “How long is rehab?”, know that there is no proven formula that is right to treat everyone’s addiction.
When you are in treatment, focus on your recovery — not the time it takes to get out. Don’t allow the uncertainty of treatment length prevent you from finding the support and recovery you need.
If you need help finding a treatment program please contact us today.
Dual Diagnosis. (2016). How Long Should You Stay in Rehab? Retrieved on February 15, 2016
National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2012). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition). Retrieved on February 15, 2016
American Addiction Centers. (2016). Why American Addiction Centers? Retrieved on February 15, 2016