Saint Francis Alchol and Drug Abuse

Addiction Treatment Address

1015 South D Street
Broken Bow
Zip Code:


Location services description: Substance abuse treatment. Treatment received at location: Outpatient Types of patients treated:

Payment Assistance Available

Non Profit Organization;

Treatment Facility Website

Contact This Substance Abuse Treatment Facility

Phone Number Main: (308) 872-6449

Treatment Contact Address

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Most of the listings on this website are free; however, we decided it would also be helpful for our visitors to see sliding scale treatment centers and low cost rehab centers for low income persons.

Free Addiction Rehab Centers Near Saint Francis Alchol and Drug Abuse

Blue Valley Behavioral Health Butler County

367 East Street

David City , Nebraska, 68632

Substance abuse services are provided in an individual, family, and/or group setting. Clients, or others affected by substance abuse, seek or are referred for these services when their functioning is negatively impacted by the abuse of alcohol and/or

Heartland Counseling and Consulting ClinicRegion II Human Services

110 North Bailey Street

North Platte , Nebraska, 69103

Location services description: Substance abuse treatment. Treatment received at location: Outpatient Types of patients treated: Pregnant/postpartum women, Women, DUI/DWI offenders

Nebraska Mental Health Centers

4545 South 86th Street

Lincoln , Nebraska, 68526

NMHC provides psychological care for children, adolescents, adults and families through individual, marital, family and group therapy. Individual and family counseling for a variety of issues including depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, chronic pa

Blue Valley Behavioral Health Crete

1212 Ivy Avenue

Crete , Nebraska, 68333

Our substance abuse staff provide treatment to both adults and youth who experience difficulties with alcohol and/or drugs. Treatment is offered on an individual, family and group basis. An Intensive Outpatient Group (IOP) is offered in the office. I

Heartland Family Service

2517 Caldwell Street

Omaha , Nebraska, 68131

The mission of Heartland Family Service is to strengthen individuals and families in our community through education, counseling, and support services. Programs in this area share a central focus on therapeutic services in order to treat current ment

One World Community Health Center

4390 South 30th Street

Omaha , Nebraska, 68107

One World Community Health Center provides substance abuse treatment services to adult men and women in an outpatient setting. These services include but are not limited to trauma related counseling, behavioral therapy, individual and group counselin

Blue Valley Mental Health Center Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services

831 F Street

Geneva , Nebraska, 68361

Substance abuse services are provided in an individual, family, and/or group setting. Clients, or others affected by substance abuse, seek or are referred for these services when their functioning is negatively impacted by the abuse of alcohol and/or

Nemaha Against Drug and Alcohol Abuse (NADAA) Coalition

601 J Street

Auburn , Nebraska, 68305

PARTNER with other community organizations to enact strategies aimed at the reduction of substance abuse, including strategies that specifically seek to prevent substance abuse among youth Hours: Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm

Cornhusker Place Inc

721 K Street

Lincoln , Nebraska, 68508

Location services description: Substance abuse treatment, Detoxification. Treatment received at location: Residential short-term treatment (30 days or less), Residential long-term treatment (more than 30 days), Outpatient Types of patients treated:

Human Services Inc

419 West 25th Street

Alliance , Nebraska, 69301

Human Services, Inc. (HSI) in Alliance, Nebraska is a CARF Accredited rehabilitation center that offers comprehensive, trauma informed residential and non-residential counseling programs for individuals and families affected by alcohol and/or drug ab

Heartland Counseling Services, Inc.

917 West 21st Street

South Sioux City , Nebraska, 68776

Heartland Counseling Services, Inc. provides substance abuse treatment services to adult men and women in an outpatient setting. These services include but are not limited to trauma related counseling, behavioral therapy, individual and group counsel

Francis House

1111 North 17th Street SHELTER provides 198 beds for men ages 19 and over

Omaha , Nebraska, 68102

MEALS include dinner each evening and Sunday breakfast for anyone Hours: Breakfast Sun and Holidays 9 am-11 am; Dinner Mon-Sun 5 pm-7 pm; Beds Mon-Sun 8 pm-7 am S

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(6 votes)

Important Definitions

  • Sliding Scale Treatment

    Fees that are variable based on the clients ability to pay. Fees are reduced for lower income persons or have less money due to high expenses.

  • Non Profit Treatment

    Many non profit treatment programs are free or are lower cost due to the non profit organizations status.

  • Faith Based Treatment

    Many religious organizations offer drug and alcohol recovery treatment at no cost as part of their ministry services. Many also offer payment assistance for those that qualify.

  • Payment Assistance

    Payment assistance is available at a large group of treatment centers. We list this detail in the description. Payment assistance programs are often structured due to the situation. You will need to call the location to find out specific details on payment assistance programs.

Treatment Info

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