Saint Francis Alchol and Drug Abuse
Addiction Treatment Address
- Address:
- 1015 South D Street
- City:
- Broken Bow
- State:
- Nebraska
- Zip Code:
- 68822
Location services description: Substance abuse treatment. Treatment received at location: Outpatient Types of patients treated:
Payment Assistance Available
Non Profit Organization;
Treatment Facility Website
Contact This Substance Abuse Treatment Facility
Phone Number Main: (308) 872-6449
Treatment Contact Address
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Free Addiction Rehab Centers Near Saint Francis Alchol and Drug Abuse
Blue Valley Behavioral Health Butler County
367 East Street
David City , Nebraska, 68632
Heartland Counseling and Consulting ClinicRegion II Human Services
110 North Bailey Street
North Platte , Nebraska, 69103
Nebraska Mental Health Centers
4545 South 86th Street
Lincoln , Nebraska, 68526
Blue Valley Behavioral Health Crete
1212 Ivy Avenue
Crete , Nebraska, 68333
Heartland Family Service
2517 Caldwell Street
Omaha , Nebraska, 68131
One World Community Health Center
4390 South 30th Street
Omaha , Nebraska, 68107
Blue Valley Mental Health Center Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services
831 F Street
Geneva , Nebraska, 68361
Nemaha Against Drug and Alcohol Abuse (NADAA) Coalition
601 J Street
Auburn , Nebraska, 68305
Cornhusker Place Inc
721 K Street
Lincoln , Nebraska, 68508
Human Services Inc
419 West 25th Street
Alliance , Nebraska, 69301
Heartland Counseling Services, Inc.
917 West 21st Street
South Sioux City , Nebraska, 68776
Francis House
1111 North 17th Street SHELTER provides 198 beds for men ages 19 and over
Omaha , Nebraska, 68102
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