Berwyn Township, Public Health District
Provides services to Berwyn residents. Offers information about human service resources in the community to links people who need assistance with the most appropriate provider. Offers advice and guidance to help people with assessment questions, assessment appeals, Homeowner Exemption, and other issues relating to property taxes. Also assists with Circuit Breaker applications, KidCare and Access to Care applications.PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENTOffers preventative services, health education, and referrals to Berwyn Township residents. Provides well baby care an toddler care and operates an immunization clinic for infant through adults. Provides pneumonia and flu shots, and screenings for vision, hearing, cholesterol, diabetes, lead, blood pressure, and others. Offers monthly education and prevention programming. Also operates the office of vital records, maintain materials documenting births and deaths in the Township.Serves as an All Kids and Access to Care Intake registration site.
Payment Assistance Available
Non Profit Organization;
Treatment Facility Website
Contact This Substance Abuse Treatment Facility
Phone Number Main: (708) 788-6600
Treatment Contact Address
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Free Addiction Rehab Centers Near Berwyn Township, Public Health District
Harrison Campus - Rosecrance Health Network
3815 Harrison Avenue
Rockford , Illinois, 61108
Prairie Center Health Systems
128 N. Vermilion
Danville , Illinois, 61832
Remedies Renewing Lives
220 Easton Parkway
Rockford , Illinois, 61108
Tricon Counseling Centers
380 South Schmale Road Suite 117
Carol Stream , Illinois, 60188
BAM Recovery House
431 North Genesee Street
Waukegan , Illinois, 60085
Heartland Human Services
1200 North 4th Street
Effingham , Illinois, 62401
Taking Control
106 South Lincolnway Suites A, B and F
North Aurora , Illinois, 60542-1597
Anixter Center Addiction Recovery of the Deaf
2001 North Clyborn Avenue, Suite 402
Chicago , Illinois, 60614
Anixter Center Schwab Rehabilitation Center
1401 South California Avenue
Chicago , Illinois, 60608
Healthcare Alternative Systems Inc Womens Program
1942 North California Avenue
Chicago , Illinois, 60647
Cathedral Shelter of Chicago Adult Outpatient Program
1668 West Ogden Street
Chicago , Illinois, 60612
Braden Counseling Center
25 South Grove Avenue
Elgin , Illinois, 60120
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