Blue Valley Behavioral Health Seward County

Provider Description
Blue Valley Behavioral Health is a private nonprofit organization that provides outpatient behavioral health services in 15 rural counties in Southeast Nebraska. Blue Valley Behavioral Health exists to provide quality professional outpatient behavioral healthcare to our rural service area in cooperation with other providers. Substance abuse services are provided in an individual, family, and/or group setting. Clients, or others affected by substance abuse, seek or are referred for these services when their functioning is negatively impacted by the abuse of alcohol and/or other drugs and is causing problems in different areas of their lives ( financial, health, legal, emotional, family, etc). Clients may be seen for addiction and abuse problems related to alcohol and drugs including marijuana, methamphetamine, and prescription medication. Clients and if appropriate, family members, develop knowledge and skills for making lifestyle changes necessary to maintain abstinence from alcohol and other drugs. Clients may be referred by themselves, family, attorneys, court system, probation/parole officers or another provider.
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